Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Nyzul Isle Woes

Well... Denali Gamashes continue to elude us... ; ;

On the other hand, we got MORE Goliard. Congrats to Eremes on Goliard Clogs. (We'll get them soon!)

2 more runs, both floor 80 body runs. Results: Wipe on attempt #1 =/

Caldor and I both d/c'd on the boss floor, which was VERY bad. I tried to give them a second chance when I got back on but there were only 5 minutes left when they were raised. Cerb's Sulfurous Breath kinda sucks...

As for the second try, we won, but no gear. Khim's such a pansy ^^

*Shakes fist angrily at inanimate object*



Eremes said...

Denali is absurdly elusive :/

Omari said...

I'd like my askar body now... tired of waiting for it to drop. -_-

Vagu'Stae said...

I've seen Denali feet drop SO many times, but I only saw Goliard drop once... To have those (technically) jacked from me. Lol. ; ;
