...I mean we actually got a drop!
Run the first! Floor 80 (Boss: Khimaira)
Result! Ayd with a lot of fuckin STR. 66+127. <.< >.> And she whiffed Drakesbane because one of our melees moved Khim out of range. ; ;
Khim put out. (Wish he'd do that out in Caedarva Mire, the bastard.)
CONGRATS MASCRAPONE! (Due to my "accidental" passing)
Run the second! Floor 80 (Boss: Cerberus)
Result! Fuck Soulflayers... We won though. :O
Cerb also put out! (Wish he'd give Ayd a damn Algol already though...)
CONGRATS SPRINZER! (Who was nice enough to come along due to Caldor's laptop malfunctions.)
For the record, this also made Sprinzer 5/5. ^^
Run the third! Floor 20 (Boss: Adamantoise)
Result! ...Not as good D:
Raped the floors, raped Adamantoise, got nothing but MNK weapon ; ;
That's all for today... And remember... Mas looks like a shorter Richard Simmons.
And that is why I love nyzul isle. Sometime you'll get really lucky and get drops on almost all (if not all) your runs. Then sometimes you'll get nothing on all your runs.. but generally you get at least one drop. :) Grats to them on their new sexy body armor.
I have a feeling it's going to be like.. 3+ weeks before we see another askar body. Simple because it's mine -_-
Just 1 Denali Feet please :( I really can live without the hands, but those feet are so sexy :/
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