No really. I'm a slacker at heart and at practice.
Ask Ayd. <.< >.>
Anywho... At the behest of a certain lovable Mithra (who won't leave me alone until I make a new post), here it is.
...Where do I start?
Hmm... I'll take "The Rapists" for $400 Alex.
Ok, I'm seriously going to say something.
In the past 2 months... Let's see:
- Finished Blue Mage to 75 (Still lack Exuviation. -.-)
- Scholar is now level 64 as of this post. Yes, I'm a whore Ayd.
- Ayd has left Validus and joined RocDynasty. I've also left Validus for a period to focus more on school and get a break from the end-game grind.
- Met some new people courtesy of Ayd and Mas (3 awesome Tarus to be exact, and a Bean. Hume*)
- Have become exceptionally poor. Yeeeeeeeah this hasn't changed much.
Within the past couple of weeks SE has decided to tempt us with a taste of what's available in the new update on Wednesday. Besides the obvious allure of the fabled "Mog Satchel of neverendingfuckingspace", there's the Security Token. Which is supposed to be the main attraction. For safety. To prevent hacking. Why do I get the feeling that people will just be buying these tokens to get a Satchel. I'll quote from the SE answers page:
Q: Can I stop using my security token if I don't want to use it anymore?
A: You can remove your Square Enix security token from your account using the Square Enix Account Management System, but once you have done so, you will never be able to use it again. <----
Q: If I remove my Square Enix security token, will I still be able to obtain a Mog Satchel?
A: Characters from PlayOnline IDs that are linked to a Square Enix account will not be able to acquire a Mog Satchel after the security token has been removed. Existing Mog Satchels will not be affected.
So the moral of the story kids? Get a security token. You'll get more spaces. But if you toss your $10 token it's useless. Have fun!
In the meantime, enjoy this picture.
For the record, if you couldn't tell by now, I'm not single.
Just thought I'd throw that out there.
I should probably go back to healing that party now. The PLD is kinda squishy.
PS. Accession Rapture Divine Seal Cure IV in campaign is fun.